National Defence Foundation annual report, 2018

(Approved by shareholders meeting on 2019 06 27)

This document is prepared in accordance with the Lithuanian Republic’s law on charity and assistance/support foundations (“Lietuvos Respublikos labdaros ir paramos fondų įstatymas“) edition of 2013 01 01.

The National Defense Foundation’s:

Objective: To strengthen Lithuania’s security by supporting democratic processes in the region.

Mission:  Support democratic processes and coordinate efforts toward a greater understanding of civil-military dialogue inside Lithuania. Educate policymakers, the general public, and our allies about the national security interests and concerns of Lithuania. Enhance ties within the Trans -Atlantic community in order to maintain and deepen Lithuania’s ties to our NATO allies in North America and the European Continent.

Vision: Lithuania – a secure and reliable nation which maintains trust and has a high standing among members of NATO, the EU, and its neighbors.

Our approach:

Support governmental and non-governmental organizations in strengthening national security.

Encourage and support progressive ideas, which would strengthen security and stability in Lithuania and the surrounding region when implemented.

Build trust and confidence among various societal groups in the region.

Cooperate with other similar organizations globally.

The National Defence Foundation’s (NDF) activities:

–       support for the military and the strengthening of the military/security environment;

–       enlightening and educating the public, unifying/harmonizing society, fostering a sense of patriotism;

–       advocating for, and encouraging greater societal and military integration;

–       collection of support and charity donations from the Republic of Lithuania and foreign persons and legal entities; the subsequent distribution of these support and charity donations to non-profit legal entities, and ensuring the effective use of these funds;

–       the fostering and growth of good foreign relations, and cooperation with similar foreign institutions and organizations; participation in international events and sharing/exchange of gained experience with the aforementioned similar foreign institutions and organizations for the purpose of strengthening state security;

–       Other activities, which do not contradict the NDF’s goals or its mandate.

In seeking to accomplish its goals the National Defence Foundation has accomplished the following over the course of the year 2018 – the successful completion and further development of four distinct projects:

–       Think Tank:

 2018, April 16th , together with the Lithuanian Parliament, the Foundation organized an international security conference:  “Societal resilience and the hybrid threat posed by Russia to the western world” („Visuomenės atsparumas ir Rusijos hibridinės grėsmės Vakarų pasauliui”)

–       Host Nation Support Cluster,

  • Continued cooperation with the NATO Force Integration Unit  (NFIU) leadership, the Defence Staff of the Lithuanian Armed Forces, and the Lithuanian Land Forces command. Meetings are continuously and consistently organized with all the aforementioned organizations, as well as the Chief of the Lithuanian Armed Forces and the Lithuanian Minister of Defense.

– “Live Firing Show”:

In seeking to attract as much attention from the western world towards the Baltic region (and creating a better security environment by doing so), the Foundation organized “Live Firing Show 2018”.

–     The public education project, In seeking to accomplish this project, the Foundation has been closely cooperating with the Colonel’s Association.

–       Throughout 2018 associates of the National Defence Foundation, and representatives of the Colonel’s Association, through appearances on television and radio shows, as well as other means, provided their expertise and insight to members of the public. Communications with political parties, governmental and non-governmental organizations, the Lithuanian Armed Forces, and the Ministry of Defence were also maintained; the events organized and hosted by these institutions were also attended.

Other indicators of the Foundation’s activities

–       The number of various National Defence Foundation shareholders – 16;

–       The number of persons employed by the NDF – 1;

–       The Foundation’s administrative spending:

  1. No long-term acquisitions have been made during the reference period. 2. The sum of additional founder’s contributions during the reference period was 120 Eur. The sum of founder’s contributions during the beginning of the reference period was 2600 Eur, at the end of the reference period – 2720 Eur. 3. At the beginning of the reference period the sum of all support/donations was 8406 Eur. The amount of funding received during the reference period was 7157 Eur, the funds were not used. The unused funding as of the end of the reference period is 15563 Eur. The sum paid to the director the National Defence Foundation consisted of work pay and car rental payments. As per the rental agreement, one automobile for the director has been taken in during the reference period.
Gynybos paramos fondas